Sunday, November 11, 2012

Technology Evaluation

technology evaluation

Santini report this back on his Earth in front of the Select Senate Subcommittee for Superhuman Affairs and accusing the United States government for indirect ties for the deaths on Entry Earth and with knowledge that Ivana Baiul is responsible for Project Entry's sabotage. However, the head of the Subcommittee Sonny Terns mockingly rejects Santini's accusation as the senator also has ties to International Operations and Devil, and that testifying this to the public would be fruitless. Though in the next few years, Santini did got back at Senator Terns.[1] Also Devil isn't dead and was only severely wounded.

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He tells them that next time they need to clean up their own mess. When he does, one of the soldiers (who turn out to be Cisco's superior officers) tells him to address them by their proper ranks. Right then, Cisco gets a call from Santini offering him an immediate transfer to Stormwatch if he'll help out with the current situation at the UN.

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